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For God So Loved The World



Canoga Park Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) which upholds the core values of basic convictions and priorities derived from Scripture.

Canoga Park Lutheran Church desires to provide an outreach to the community.  

Our large parking lot and field are availble for rent, and have been used by entertainment companies,as a staging area, and has served as a secured location for catering activities.  Click here to view our facilities.

Our Mission


We share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all people that they may come to believe in Him and have eternal life.

Holy Communion


We believe in the sacrament of Holy Communion for the forgiveness of our sins.  It is the true body and blood of the Lord Christ in and under the bread and wine, which Christ’s Word commands us to eat and drink. When a Christian receives Holy Communion with a repentant spirit, their sins are forgiven.  Holy Communion is celebrated at both services on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month.



Services are held in the Sanctuary:


Sunday Morning Combined Service (Traditional & Contemporary) is held at 9:30am.


Bible Study and Sunday School are held at 10:45am


4-7-22 Update:  The mask mandate in L.A. has been lifted, so no masks are required while attending in person.  However, if you prefer, you may continue wearing one.  We continue to live-stream our in-person service, which starts at 9:30am PST, on Sunday mornings.  The live streaming can be accessed on our worship video page.  Stay safe!


Any additional services will be announced in the bulletin, on our Calendar of Events, and on our Facebook Page.

Latest News

Please join us for our Lent services at 6:30pm each Wednesday, starting on Ash Wednesday, March 5 through April 9th.  The theme will be "Walk with Jesus Daily.".


Check out the Events Page

These next couple months are full of God pleasing events.  Be sure to stay up to date by checking out our News & Events page often.

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© 2023 by Canoga Park Lutheran Church

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